dinsdag, september 18, 2007

The Salsa Lesson

"It's time to start living the lives we have imagined." This quote by Henry James literally jumped off of the page and spoke to me. In my line of work, I really don't have the luxury of talking about what I want and not taking action. As a Success Coach it is important that I 'walk my talk". Sometimes it isn't easy but I wouldn't have it any other way. How would your life change if this quote became your mantra?

How about you? What dreams have you put on the back burner? What accomplishment or experience tugs at you to take action?

Recently a colleague casually invited me to come to a Latin "Salsa" night at a local dance hall. She had no idea that she was inviting me to honor a life long dream. For years I have dreamed of being able to dance well on the dance floor instead of watching others having fun from the sidelines. I had lots of legitimate reasons why I couldn't take the time to dance, I already had so much on my schedule, how could I find the time, my husband wasn't excited about the idea etc etc etc All of my excuses supported a choice I made. A choice to not fulfill a dream. All of us have excuses, don't we, that we tell ourselves when we don't move forward with our goals and dreams?

Carpe Diem. I seized the moment and responded to the opportunity that came to me. I took my first Salsa dance lesson. It wasn't pretty, yet it was wonderful! I took the first step towards a long held dream. I learned more than dance steps that evening! I discovered that dancing agreed with me. I was happier, healthier and it actually helped me in my business. I took more risks that boosted my bottom line.

My invitation to you is for you to take your dream off the back burner and make it a priority. Pump up your courage muscles and take the step forward that you KNOW you need to take. Write it down. Say it out loud. Confide in a trusted friend or mentor your commitment. Then, go do it! Please e-mail me or call me with your success experiences, I would love to hear. Keep Dreaming Big!

"It's time to start living the lives we have imagined." Henry James

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